Human beings have the capacity to change

Especially young adults and juveniles

The person you are at twenty

And who you mature into at forty

Are not the same, not by miles

To believe they are one and the same

Physically or psychologically

Is immoral, anti-nature, inhumane

We should be ashamed to categorically

Deny a human being’s capacity to change

The fundamental law of nature is

Everything changes, nothing remains the same

Evolution is the principle of Life itself.

Life without parole is immoral and inhumane

Human beings have the capacity to change

Life without parole is immoral and inhumane

Human beings have the capacity to change.


                                                                                   © Written by Trevor Mathis 7/1/16



Death by incarceration

Is cruel and unusual

Costs many millions

The sentence impractical

Used in only fourteen states

And Pennsylvania is one

Applied racially

Targets Blacks mainly

In county and city

Too much disparity

Young adults juveniles

Affects much too many

An affront to evolving

Civilized societies

Does it represent you?

Doesn’t represent me

Social justice demands

Reform the justice system

The punish only era

Is over in America

Lock them up throw away the key

Hysterical mentality

That politically motivated

Media aided and abetted

Agenda to distract, point, blame

The symptoms but ignore the cause

Of the social ills in society

Hide the reality

The one percent

Income inequality

The lack of opportunity

Under education and

Extreme poverty

Distract attention, supply boogeymen

Stoke racial animus, wars start them

If all else fails make crime the problem

Black, brown faces, immigrants, children

Superpredators incorrigible

The political anthem, repeated often

Build many more prisons to send them

Job security for unionized men

Irrational fears and anxieties

Eventually shaped, fashioned molded


Target illusionary enemies

But the people woke up, stopped being fooled

And they began to demand resolutions

Occupy, Black Lives Matter, Direct Mass Actions

No gimmicks, no platitudes, no kneejerk reactions

But concrete structural social and political change

Level playing field, access, opportunity, the whole range

Social media enabled direct democratic participation

No politicians, mass popular activism on demand


We demand!  Immediate results,

                     Instant solutions

No politically hatched gridlock nor

                     corporate backed convolutions

We demand!  Immediate results,

                     Instant solutions

No politically hatched gridlock nor

                     corporate backed convolutions.


© Written by Trevor Mathis, 7/1/16