This Monday: Put the Pennsylvania Prison System on Trial!

Join Decarcerate PA to put Governor Corbett & Department of Corrections
Secretary Wetzel on trial for crimes against Pennsylvanians.

15th & JFK Blvd (the Municipal Services Building plaza)

We charge Governor Corbett with the misuse of funds for taking money from
our schools and putting it into the prison system. We charge Governor
Corbett with continuing policies that lock up our families, friends and
neighbors, destroy our communities and fail to make any of us safer.

We charge Secretary Wetzel with human rights abuses for the inhumane
conditions in Pennsylvania's prisons.

We demand Governor Corbett cancel all prison construction, support smart
legislative reform to bring our neighbors home and keep them home, and
invest in education, social services and health care to build safer,
stronger communities!

Invite your facebook friends here:

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